Breast Biopsy for Suspicious Lesions

Breast biopsy is a medical procedure performed to evaluate suspicious breast lesions, which may indicate the presence of breast cancer or other abnormalities. Here's an overview of breast biopsies:

Purpose: Breast biopsies are conducted when mammograms, ultrasounds, or physical examinations reveal suspicious breast lesions, such as lumps, calcifications, or other abnormalities. The goal is to determine whether these lesions are benign or cancerous.

Types of Biopsies: There are several methods for breast biopsy, including fine-needle aspiration, core needle biopsy, and surgical (excisional) biopsy. The choice of biopsy method depends on the characteristics of the lesion and other factors.

Procedure: During a breast biopsy, a sample of tissue is collected from the suspicious area in the breast. This sample is then examined under a microscope by a pathologist to make a definitive diagnosis.

Consultation: If you have suspicious breast lesions or have been advised to undergo a breast biopsy, it is crucial to consult with a specialist in breast health or breast surgery. Dr. Randy Lehman at Liberty Clinic is experienced in this field and can provide expert guidance, perform the biopsy, and discuss treatment options if necessary.