Anti-Reflux Surgery

In the domain of acid reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) treatment, the Nissen fundoplication procedure stands out as a highly effective solution. Dr. Randy Lehman, an expert in anti-reflux surgery, offers insight into this procedure, which provides long-term relief from GERD symptoms.

Understanding GERD and Nissen Fundoplication:

GERD, characterized by stomach contents flowing back into the esophagus, often causing heartburn and regurgitation, can be a chronic and challenging condition. Nissen fundoplication, a surgical technique, plays a vital role in addressing GERD by creating a secure barrier against acid reflux.

Procedure Overview:

Patient selection is a critical aspect, and Dr. Lehman ensures that candidates for Nissen fundoplication are carefully evaluated. The procedure involves wrapping the upper portion of the stomach around the lower esophagus, effectively preventing acid reflux.

Benefits of Nissen Fundoplication:

One of the primary advantages of Nissen fundoplication is its enduring impact. Patients experience a significant reduction in GERD symptoms, resulting in improved quality of life and reduced reliance on medications.

Consult with Dr. Randy Lehman:

For individuals seeking a lasting solution to acid reflux, consulting with Dr. Lehman is the first step. Explore whether Nissen fundoplication is the right path to say goodbye to GERD-related challenges and regain control over your life.

Discover the transformative potential of Nissen fundoplication in the fight against acid reflux. Dr. Randy Lehman is ready to guide you toward enduring relief and a higher quality of life.